Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Springfield Old Capital

It took the better part of last week to get everything together -- unload kilns, grind the bottoms of the pots, mark and box the pieces. By Friday morning I was loading the van and a rental trailer (so we'd have enough room to bring the dogs along). We set out for the five hour drive to Springfield by noon and had an uneventful trip.

The forecast that had called for a sunny weekend was completely wrong. It rained all weekend and it's raining still. But the crowds still turned out for the show and we sold LOTS of pots and met lots of nice folk too.

I met a fellow potter from Canada. She wasn't doing the show -- just coincidentally in the Springfield area, traveling with her husband who had some business in the area. We talked pottery for a while, and when I got home I had the pleasure of visiting her site and making a visual connection between pottery and potter. Very creative, beautiful work too. Her name is...

Tara Lynn Franco.

Here's a snapshot of the work I brought with me to Springfield...

Toward the end of Sunday, Dar brought the dogs into the show area.

On Friday I leave for the East Lansing Art Festival. I'm excited about the show -- I haven't done it for a few years now, and I'm jazzed about the music that will be there (right behind my booth -- I always request the booth in front of the stage). One of the acts is a band that's become a fave of mine since I first saw them play at East Lansing several years ago. They call themselves...

Steppin' In It

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